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Checklist: Presentations
This checklist will help you prepare for oral presentations.

Image: Shutterstock, NTB scanpix / Restricted right of use
- Do I have a clear introduction, main part and conclusion?
- Have I used titles and subtitles to structure my slides?
- Have I met the overall time requirement?
- If working with a partner, have we divided the different parts between us and practiced?
- Have I left time to ask the class if they have any questions?
- If needed, are my notes short bullet points and not pages of writing?
- Am I prepared to speak freely and not read from a written manuscript?
- Have I saved my presentation to another storage programme/service in addition to my computer's hard drive?
- Do I have a plan B in case any external links do not work on the day of my presentation? It could be a good idea to download these directly to your computer.
- Do I have the necessary equipment? (i.e. connection or audio cable)
- Have I checked that I have the right pronunciation of difficult words?
- Am I prepared to define or explain any difficult but important terms?
Voice and Body Language
- Am I speaking clearly and loudly enough so that the people at the back of the room will hear me?
- Can I remember to have eye contact with the audience?
- Can I try to express enthusiasm through my voice and body language?
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