Tasks: Formal, Semi-formal, and Informal English
Imagine that you are writing the following types of letters:
an application
a letter to a colleague
a letter to your best friend
In which of the letters would you use contractions? Give reasons for your answer.
Below you will find an interactive task. Couple the full forms with the correct contractions.
Below you will find eight words that many Norwegians use too frequently when writing in English.
Work together in pairs or small groups and find:
- five synonyms for each word AND
- five antonyms for each word
You are allowed to use a dictionary. However, start by trying to think of as many as you can without any help.
Place the synonyms and antonyms into a chart with two columns: informal and formal. Where do the different words belong?
Save the chart for later, so that you can use the words to vary your vocabulary when writing.
Verbs: to get, to think, to like, to make
Adjectives: big, nice, good, bad
The sentences below have a varying degree of formality.
As you read the sentences, rate them on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is completely informal and 5 is extremely formal.
Share your ratings in a group and discuss what makes the sentences more or less formal. Would you use these sentences when talking to your teacher? Your parents? A close friend? A coach? A store clerk? Your employer?
Below you will find two e-mails: one formal, and one informal. Compare the two texts and comment on the differences you find. What makes the second e-mail more formal than the first? Consider vocabulary and grammar.
Hi Paul!
Sorry for the late reply. It’s been super busy this week – we had a deadline on Monday, and it stressed us all out.
Anyway, good news: your application for the grant has gone through. I’m attaching the agreement. Can you drop by tomorrow so that we can sign the paperwork? I’m off at 5 pm, so could you come before then? And BTW, don’t forget to bring with you all relevant company documents.
Dear Mr Davies
I apologise for the late reply. Due to a deadline in the beginning of the week, the workload has been larger than normal.
I am delighted to inform you that your application for a grant has been approved. Please find attached the agreement.
Would you please visit our office tomorrow so that we can sign the appropriate paperwork? I am leaving the office at 5 pm, so I would have been most grateful if you had been able to be there before then.
Please remember to bring all relevant company documents.
Kind regards
Karen Johnsen
The job application below is a bit too informal. Rewrite the application in a more formal style.
I saw the ad for the job as bartender in The Daily News yesterday and I’m really keen on the job.
I’ve worked as a bartender for ages before I moved here. My former employer will tell you what a great worker I am. I’m really great with the customers and I have a wicked sense of humour. And I also know how to mix a super drink.
I speak English and French, and I understand Danish, Swedish and German. Not bad, eh?
Pleeeze take a look at my application and my CV - you will find it together with this mail.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Janet Anderson
Related content
An article describing the three different levels of formalities in the English language