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Immigrant Stories: Ida Hansen

Front page of the Norwegian-American magazine Kvinden og Hjemmet

Ida Hansen 1853-1938

In 1870 when Ida Jensen was seventeen years old, she emigrated from Ringsaker in Norway to Chicago together with her parents and two younger siblings. Five years later she married a Dane, Niels Frederick Hansen. Ida was an ambitious woman and started her own magazine for Scandinavian women in America. The journal was written in Norwegian and was titled Kvinden og Hjemmet – A Monthly Journal for the Scandinavian Women in America.

Can you imagine a journal published in Norwegian in America? Well, the journal was a great success and had a circulation of 83,000 in its peak years around 1907. Ida wrote that she wanted to give the Scandinavian-born women a journal, written in their own language, that gave them knowledge of what was required of those who settled and lived in America. And how did she do it...

Front page of the Norwegian-American magazine Kvinden og Hjemmet
  • by writing about American customs, holidays, cooking, fashion and needlework
  • by publishing letters from readers asking for advice about suitable husbands in a new country or warning others about the lurid dangers that faced innocent Scandinavian women in America
  • and by telling the readers where they could buy herring from Norway or get in touch with other Scandinavians.

Ida made a fortune on the journal and moved from Cedar Rapids in Iowa where the journal had its main office, to Oceanside in California. She hired a co-editor to take care of the journal. In California she built a beautiful mansion where she lived with her husband until she died in 1938. The journal ceased publishing in 1947.

In many ways Ida’s story is that of the American Dream, the idea that anything is possible if you just work hard. As a concept, the American Dream is an important part of American culture even today.

Tasks and Activities


Study the front pages of Kvinden og Hjemmet from May 1904 and November 1907.

  1. Describe and discuss the images.
  2. What is said about the new life in America? (Remember that the journal is written in Norwegian)
  3. Why is the image of Thanksgiving so important?
  4. What do you think is the message?
  5. In which ways do these two pages illustrate the immigrant experience?
  6. What is the American Dream?


  1. You are a 17 year old immigrant. You came to the U.S. 6 months ago. The year is 1905. Write a letter home explaining what has happened to you and how you have adjusted/not adjusted to your new homeland.
  2. You subscribe to Kvinden og Hjemmet. Write a letter to the editor explaining what you would like to read about in this type of journal.
  3. You are working for Kvinden og Hjemmet. The editor has asked you to write a feature story on Norwegian-American women. Write the article.
  4. Kvinden og Hjemmet has launched a recipe competition. Write down your favourite recipe from the old country. The recipe must be written in English and Norwegian and the ingredients must be adjusted to American standards.

Further Reading

Norwegian Immigration

CC BY-SASkrevet av Åse Elin Langeland.
Sist faglig oppdatert 03.03.2017


US History