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Million Dollar Baby - Working with the Trailer

Watch a trailer from Million Dollar Baby and work with tasks related to it. Million Dollar Baby (2004) is based on a short story written by a former boxing trainer. Clint Eastwood has directed the film version and he also stars in the role of Frankie, boxing trainer and operator of a run-down gym in Los Angeles. Hilary Swank portrays Maggie, the waitress from Missouri, who dreams of becoming a professional boxer. Scrap, portrayed by Morgan Freeman, is the injured former boxer and caretaker of the gym who reveals the story to us.
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Cecilia Brækhus
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Is the American Dream attainable for everyone? What if you are a girl? Throughout history women have been regarded as second class citizens. To make it even more complicated; what if you are a white trash girl from Missouri? In Million Dollar Baby the waitress Margaret Fitzgerald, has to fight every imaginable prejudice in order to fulfil her dream.

Working with the Trailer

Watch Million Dollar Baby - trailer and answer the questions:

  1. What does the girl, Maggie (Hilary Swank) want from Frankie (Clint Eastwood)?
  2. How does he respond at first?
  3. What do you think Frankie means by his statement: "Girlie, tough ain't enough"?
  4. Frankie has a daughter. What impression do you get of their relationship?
  5. What do you think makes Frankie change his mind and start training Maggie?


  1. "Frankie, I have seen you at Mass almost every day for 23 years. The only person who comes to church that often is the kind who can't forgive himself for something." What do you think makes the priest tell Frankie this? What does this reveal about Frankie?
  2. Women athletes in male dominated sports is a highly controversial issue. Why is that? What are the pros and cons regarding the participation of women in traditionally male dominated sports?

Watch the entire movie and work with assignments

Million Dollar Baby

CC BY-SASkrevet av Eli M. Huseby.
Sist faglig oppdatert 04.03.2017